BC Men's Shed Members Who Have Passed the Post
Pierre de la Cour, a Blind Shedder
Coquitlam / October 25, 2023
Pierre is remembered for his sense of humour and generosity.
At one of our breakfast meetings he was sitting at the next table, he was invited to join us and seldom missed a meeting after that. He was always at the centre of the activity, telling jokes and stories.
Pierre made a difference to the Shed at that difficult time between the enthusiasm of getting started and feeling that we actually have an established Shed. Thanks, Pierre.
Art Post, an Original BC Shedder
Kootenays / August 15, 2023
Art had a career with BC Telephone Company (now Telus) and retired to the Sunshine Coast. His son moved to Australia and daughter to Kelowna. After having enjoyed the waters around the coast, Art and Louise moved to Kelowna as well. He was looking for something to keep him busy to which his son answered why don’t you investigate the Men’s Shed organization like we have in Australia.
At that point Art approached the University of BC – Okanagan and the Telus Ambassadors and came up with two prospective directors. After building up some interest the Okanagan Men’s Shed Association was formed. Art registered our Association under the Societies Act of BC and in July of 2013 we became a registered society.
Kelowna’s Hawthorne Senior’s Residence was our meeting place for coffee, they also offered their woodwork shop for our use in return that we do some projects for them such as making a Christmas display.
After a few years we outgrew that facility and moved to a shop owned by the Pathways organization which would be available to us for a few years until their new building project was ready to start.
In 2018 we moved to Helen’s Acres where an old machine shop, requiring a lot of work, in which Art and all the members participated to make it a satisfactory place for men to meet and work. We were there until 2022. The shed grew to about 80 members while at this facility.
Art was very involved in the Men’s Shed, both the moves and ongoing administration. He communicated with several Australian sheds and the first Canadian shed in Manitoba. He started the ball rolling on getting grants, arranging for publicity with pamphlets and by getting involved with community events. A few years after we started Art worked with the MSABC (Men’s Shed Association of BC) supporting them during start up.
Arthur dedicated most of his last years to our Men’s Shed to make it what it is now, a well connected and appreciated organization. R.I.P.
Arthur Post 1937-2023
Ron Nordi, Men's Shed Founder
Coquitlam / August 10, 2023
Ron is still remembered by his friends for his kindness and thoughtfulness.
He was a founding member of the Men’s Shed, a photographer and a veteran.